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Virtual Field Trips

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Virtual Field Trips

Bring the wonder and excitement of the Buffalo Museum of Science to your classroom – virtually!

Our experienced facilitators will bring a unique educational experience and scientific expertise to your students. Whether you’re looking for an eye-popping science demonstration or a Behind-the-Scenes tour, we can customize programming to suit your needs.

  • $150 per program

Limit 30 students per program. Programs may take place via Zoom or Microsoft Teams.


For more information or to book your experience, please contact [email protected] or call us at 716.896.5200 x 338.

Additional Information

These programs require the facilitator to remotely present to you classroom, including sharing media. This may mean that they would need to be granted co-hosting rights. Please see your IT administrator for details or restrictions.

Cancellation Policy

Click here to view our cancellation policy.

For other resources for your classroom, check out our Virtual Science Fair activities or our YouTube channel.

Virtual Field Trip Programs


Explore cultures around the world through the Museum’s education collection. Students will compare civilizations’ traditions, beliefs and geography through our Artifacts science studio.


From the Arctic to tropical rainforests, discover ecosystems from around the world using biofacts from the Museum’s collection. 

Dinosaurs and More

What can fossils tell us about dinosaurs? What did they eat? How big were they? Explore our exhibit, Rethink Extinct, and examine the fossils of creatures that lived long ago.

Our Place In Space

Understand our place in space and how space science can drive our future! Take a trip to Buffalo in Space and explore the stars, planets and surprises above us.