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Reinventing Reality Exhibit Opening Weekend

Explore the science, creativity, and innovation behind one of the fastest evolving technologies, virtual reality, and how it’s transforming the way we see and interact with the world.

Presented in English and Spanish, Reinventing Reality combines STEM concepts with playful interactives to reveal how individual elements of VR work. See your 3-D body mapped out as a colorful cloud of dots, feel the peculiar sensation of being in a virtual body and step into spectacular virtual worlds. Looking into a giant stereoscope viewer, interacting with the latest eye-tracking technology and visiting immersive virtual worlds, visitors discover how VR uses—and sometimes fools—our senses to make the virtual world seem real.

Reinventing Reality also introduces you to the social impacts of VR. From treating patients to training astronauts and designing cars and new products, the creation of simulated experiences in VR impacts almost every industry.

The exhibit features 15 unique interactive displays as 12 VR experience pods, six careers and creators modules, and opportunities to step into the vastly different, family-friendly virtual worlds with licensed VR games including Angry Birds VR, Synth Riders, and Artist VR.

Tickets are avaliable now at sciencebuff.org. Due to the hands-on nature of the exhibit and limited capacity, we strongly encourage tickets to be purchased prior to visiting, particularly during weekends and school breaks.

Sponsored by: M&T, Bond, Schoeneck & King

Age: All ages

Cost: $26 adults; $23 children, seniors, students, & military | $6 for members


Feb 04 - 05 2023


All Day

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Buffalo Museum of Science
1020 Humboldt Parkway