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Science After Hours: Why So(ber) Curious? (Ages 21+)

To drink, or not to drink? Explore for yourself with a semi-dry adult night at the museum. It’s an opportunity for abstainers and social drinkers alike to try alternative adult beverage options without the social pressure.

The trend of sober curiosity is quickly growing, and there is a variety of new nonalcoholic adult beverages hitting the market, but what do they taste like? What’s all the hype about?

Well, it just so happens there are few things science museums enjoy more than curious minds and experimentation!

Our usual Science After Hours cash bar will be available with beer and wine for sale as well as new nonalcoholic adult drink options. Plus, guests are invited to sample NA beers, zero proof spirits, mocktails, and other tasty non-alcoholic alternatives.

Guests can stretch their curiosity even further while engaging in science activities throughout the Museum, including our hair-raising Van de Graaff generator, close encounters with cockroaches and other bugs, liquid nitrogen demonstrations, giant bubble experiments, and more! Plus, all our permanent exhibits will be open for kid-free fun.

Tickets are $30 per person (BMS Members save 10%) and include tasting glass and non-alcoholic drink samples. Light snacks will be available for purchase, and guests may bring their own food and snacks to enjoy on our balcony.

Ages 21+; photo IDs are required at the door.

The Reinventing Reality exhibit will not be open.


Apr 21 2023


6:00 pm - 9:00 pm

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Buffalo Museum of Science
1020 Humboldt Parkway